Post-doc tjänst i New York
2-årig post-doc tjänst inom immuno-oncologi och urologisk malignitet att söka vid Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, USA. Sökanden ska vara från skandinaviskt land och start datum är den 2019-07-01.
Through the generosity of The Victor Borge Family Trust, The Albert Einstein College of Medicine and the Departments of Microbiology & Immunology and Urology offer a 2-3 year post-doctoral fellowship in basic research for graduates of Scandinavian institutions of higher learning. We are looking for a talented individual to participate in our ongoing immuno-oncology research program. The focus of the laboratory is checkpoint immuno-biology in the context of urologic cancer. Although candidates for the fellowship should have a strong, demonstrated interest in basic and translational research, both MD and PhD recipients will be considered for the position. The laboratory is led by Xingxing Zang, PhD, MD ( in collaboration with Dr. Sankin.
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