4 th Nordic course on Reconstruction of the Urinary Tract after Radical Cystectomy
4 th Nordic course on Reconstruction of the Urinary Tract after Radical Cystectomy
22–23/11, 2017 Helsingfors
Peijas Hospital, Helsinki University Hospital
Department of Urology, Helsinki University Hospital in co-operation with NUF working groups.
Preliminary program:
Both course days start at 8.30.
Days include Live surgery with interposed Lectures on urothelial cancer and reconstructive urology.
Course dinner on Wednesday evening.
Final program and further information will be published on the website of the course www.hus.fi/nuf 18.5.
Registration is opened in the web at the same time. Accommodation can be booked through a link in the website. Return transportation from the hotel to Peijas Hospital is complimentary.
On behalf of the organizing committee:
Jukka Sairanen, course manager
Pauliina Vatanen, course coordinator pauliina.vatanen@hus.fi